At Dr. Barzi Brookline Dental, we understand the importance of a comprehensive approach to pediatric dental care, which includes the use of space maintainers for children who lose their baby teeth prematurely or have had them extracted due to decay. Space maintainers are a critical component of preventive dentistry, designed to hold space for permanent teeth to erupt properly, preventing future dental issues such as crowding, misalignment or impacted teeth. Our commitment to your child’s oral health includes offering customized space maintainer solutions to support their dental development and ensure a healthy, beautiful smile as they grow.

Space maintainers are small appliances made of metal or acrylic, customized to fit your child’s mouth. They can be removable or fixed, depending on the individual case and the child’s needs. The primary goal is to keep the space open to allow the permanent tooth to erupt in its proper place, thereby avoiding the need for more complex orthodontic treatments in the future.

The process of getting a space maintainer at our practice involves:

  • A thorough examination and consultation to assess the need for a space maintainer, including X-rays to understand the underlying dental structure and development.
  • Taking precise measurements and impressions of your child’s mouth to create a space maintainer that fits perfectly.
  • Fitting the space maintainer and providing detailed instructions on how to care for it, including cleaning and what foods to avoid if the appliance is fixed.
  • Regular follow-up appointments to monitor the progress of the permanent tooth’s eruption and to adjust or remove the space maintainer as necessary.

Benefits of space maintainers include:

  • Ensuring that sufficient space is available for permanent teeth to erupt correctly, promoting a straighter and healthier smile.
  • Reducing the likelihood of future orthodontic treatment by preventing teeth from shifting into the open space.
  • Supporting the proper development of the jaws and mouth by maintaining the natural progression of tooth eruption.
  • Offering a simple and effective solution to a common problem, with minimal discomfort and adjustment for the child.

Guide your child towards a future of healthy smiles with space maintainers in Brookline, Massachusetts. Contact us today at 617-277-0033 to schedule a consultation with our dentist, Dr. Gloria Barzi, and learn more about how space maintainers can benefit your child’s dental health and development.

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Whether you are in need of a dental cleaning or treatment for a broken or missing tooth, we have your smile covered. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

Dr Gloria Barzi in Brookline Massachusetts 617-277-0033 Dr Gloria Barzi in Brookline Massachusetts 1051 Beacon St. #409, Brookline, MA 02446 Dr Gloria Barzi in Brookline Massachusetts 1051 Beacon St. #409
Brookline, MA 02446
Dr. Barzi Brookline Dental